Tuesday, September 23, 2008

debit card

okay. here is a post. it not a positive one though.

yesterday, i was checking the answering machine. something, i rarely do. in fact, i hate to do it. the first message was an automated call from my bank asking is recent charges to my debit card were okay. stop. wait. no more messages listened to. signed on to my account. something i usually do everyday but knew that i hadn't used my card, so i wasn't worried. sure enough. someone had been using my card. there were several charges for small amounts. we are talking like $2.49. called my bank and stopped my card. (dad having private banking seriously rocks! i didn't have to wait on the phone and i got to talk to a person!) anyway....nathan at the bank stopped a few other questionable charges. so then i had to file a police report. and then sign an affidavit to the key explaining things. seriously, the total was less than $100. OK. I couldn't believe it. I was so happy to have caught this but seriously, $100. I was lucky or the thief was really stupid. I always thought you should go big or go home. After talking to the banker and the police officer, they seemed to think it happened at a resturant or a fast food place. my card out of sight and they copied the numbers. all the charges were online and they had my code on the back. crazy huh? I actually called one of the places and i bet you can guess what our thief bought. PORN! Yep, porn. SO happy that I was able to help with that. The officer I talked with also said that it almost happened to her at taco time. the girl who tried it with her didn't know she was a cop. Nice. So that was yesterday! Crazy!!!


Krissie said...

That sucks! Sorry to hear about that...you and me and theivery this week-what is up with that?!?!?

Nicole said...

wow...what a day. I have heard of that happening at restaraunts. scary...glad you got it...

Kat said...

Ok, don't sound too happy about posting ok!? I know, I know- I've kinda been out of it lately too.
Seriously now... I've heard of this happening and not to let your card out of your sight when you're at a restaraunt etc... always thought it was kinda paranoid, but then again maybe not after reading this. glad everything is ok, but it's still pain no matter how you look at it. Hope you guys are doing well!

Leyla... said...

That's a lot of effort just to cover your porn charges from Eric! LOL! I'm so happy the thief was and idiot. I completely agree... GO BIG OR GO HOME!

Ann Marie said...

Wow - that is nuts. Thanks for the advice about the fast food places - I would have never thought of that, but it makes sense. Cash from now on out! BTW, when are you all coming down - maybe we can see each other at D-land?! Call me if you need any advice, I know the place like the back of my hand! I can give you some good tips!