Thursday, May 15, 2008

familliar face

I grew up in Draper. We moved there when I was 3 and moved away when I was almost 13. It has a dear spot in my heart. I loved growing up in a small town. It was really small back then. Almost everyone had a least one cousin in their grade. Simillar last names. It goes on. I loved the small town feel. Growing up on a small farm. We had all sorts of animals. Everyone knew everyone or you knew of them. There was one man just like that. He rode his bike everywhere. I think his name was Ray. I can't remember his last name. Well, the reason for the post is that I was driving home from Kris's house on Tuesday. I was about to get to the old railroad tracks by Draper park. I saw a man with a bike who was going to cross the road. This road can get pretty busy at this hour, so I slowed down and let him cross. As he was crossing, I realized that I knew him. It was Ray. He looked the same. Just 20 (plus) years older. His bike was a mountain bike instead of a ten speed and his clothes were newer. He was still wearing his baseball hat. I can't believe I recognized him. It really has been over 20 years since we moved. Has this ever happened to you? You are going along just living your life and a face that you remember pops up? I think it really got me thinking about life and growing up in Draper when it was a small town and how now it is so big and crazy (compared to what it was when we moved there from los angeles.)


Kris said...

Do you remember where he lived? I just can't place that. I laugh that I say the guy that carries the radio around town the other day, you remembered his name----I don't.

J Z said...

what are you two talking about....I grew up with you and I think you might be on some strong halucenogenics

Kat said...

miss you! Wish you were here :) we are enjoying our time together and its fun to have eric here!! heard about your trip.. come whenever! I'll be around. looking forward to it!

Nicole said...

I remember both those wanderers...gotta love 'em!

Ann Marie said...

I long to live in a smaller town / community. OC is fun, but it can really get to you too. We are considering moving out of state eventually - and I am ALL GAME! Just have to put the pressure on my hubby to get the ball rollin'.

Danielle said...

I saw Ray back at the Draper Senior Center around Valentines Day for LPs pointed him out. Kris the guys name you are thinking of is Ken (just spaced his last name) and I saw him too at the zoo the other day with his radio walking around like he was a worker was pretty funny.

J Z said...

what seriously did we all live together who are these people that you speak of