Saturday, December 8, 2007


This day has been a day full of excitement. It started with Olivia waking up with the puke flu at 6 am. What a way to start a Saturday. Then Eric looked out the window to see all the snow that fell during the night to see that our tree had fallen down. Yep. Our tree fell down. I guess all the weight of the snow. Not sure since it really didnt have many leaves just lots and lots of branches. So while Eric worked outside cleaning up the tree mess and the snow removal, I was inside with our puking Olivia. Savannah was sick like this 10 days ago so we are old pros but it is so much harder when you have to be with them non stop. It is also hard to see her been so sad and not her usually smiley self. are some pictures of the tree. Eric had wrapped about 1500 red lights up the tree so we are really sad to see it go!
Tree Down!
Savannah loved to sit in the tree. Summer 2006.
Our house with the tree. Can you tell? Kind of a bad picture!


Ann Marie said...

Oh that's a bummer! Especially after you hung up all those lights too! I bet they were beautiful . . .

Nicole said...

crazy!!! I laughed I must admit. Too bad it was your one big tree...remember walking around the U campus and having braches everywhere because of the snow??? your tree reminded me of that.

Bill Page said...

sad!! seeing SLC in the snow makes me MISS IT BAD!!!

Leyla... said...

Yikes! I'm glad it didn't fall into your house! It looks awfully close to the car parked on the street.

I hope Olivia's feeling better.

Kat said...

I can't believe it fell over!!?? How crazy, and sad since it had lights on it.