Thursday, July 12, 2007

Thanksgiving Point Dinosaur Museum

It seems like every time Nicole or Danielle would come into town we make the trek (only 10 minutes, really) to Thanksgiving Point. We either see the Dinosaurs or the Petting Zoo. It a fun time! Olivia slept the whole time and all the kids were really good. We even took a picture of the entire group by the shark. I think we do this everytime. This time was memorable since Grandma told Paul she was going to throw him into the sharks mouth and he screamed. It was funny! We finished the day by getting lunch at Wendy's, to make it a great dinosaur day, the prize in the Kid's Meal was an audiobook about dinosaurs! It was a fun time and we are lucky to have a mom who is willing to take us and our kids on outings like this! Thanks Mom!!


Danielle said...

welcome to the blogging world...I look way hot in this picture.

Anonymous said...

Hey there! Dinosaurs are a key element in our house too! Nat Jo -- send me your email, the last one I sent you got bounced back.


Natalie Jo said...

I am glad the picture is of you and not me! I could post the other picture I took of you!!