Monday, November 5, 2007

Raking Leaves

Eric spent a few hours in the yard on Saturday. He dug a hole to find the leak in our sprinkler system. (I have to mention that he wanted me to take pictures and put it on my blog. Because so many people care about sprinklers!) Then he raked up the leaves in the backyard. We have one large maple tree and this is about all the leaves we get. Eric wanted Savannah to have fun in the leaves. He wanted her to run and jump and play and throw them around. She didn't get it. Finally he jumped in the pile too and then the fun took off! It was great to see Eric spending a little time having fun with Savannah!


Kat said...

I love these pictures! He actually wanted you to take them? Crazy.. maybe he should start his own blog and fill it with stuff about repairs and ya know- boy stuff. haha. Looks fun. Glad you don't have any more leaves than that!

Ann Marie said...

I wish we had leaves to jump in like that - I know my kids would love it!

Leyla... said...

I love the Fall! I've always wanted to jump in a huge pile of leaves. Adorable photos!