Monday, September 17, 2007

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom & 911

Many have done it. Kami has done it. Liz has done it. Danielle's friend Joslyn wrote about it on her blog. Now I have done it. All of my family (except me) has simillar cell phone numbers beginning with 913. I was calling kris in a crisis over a book, that Lexi and Savannah were fighting over. Lexi brought her book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Savannah thought it was hers and I couldn't find hers. I got the first call right to Kris. Then I went to call Eric. Being frazzled and just trying to get 2 girls ready for preschool, I misdialled. I started to call Kris and wouldn't you know it the second 1 stuck. I called 911. I tried to hang up but it started ringing. I hung up anyway. The operator was nice enough to call back. I explained the situtation and avoided the patrol car visit. I tell you these numbers are painful and embarrassing! The book was found on the kitchen counter and crisis was over! I just wish I hadn't had to involve the authorities!!


Nicole said...

that's funny! Jamison called 911 one time saying that he was calling the fix it man. I didn't know that he had really dialed until they called back...I had to hide that I was mad to the operator!

Danielle said...

love those calls. It happens all to frequent with our phone numbers..funny they didn't give you a drop in visit and glad you found the book.

Bill Page said...

So feel you pain. for super bowl last year grace was playing with the phone dialed 911 talked a little then hung up. We were having about 25 people over and right before everyone is suppose to show I had a sherrif at my door knocking. Said someone called 911 all the operator heard was a baby and they need to send someone out immediately. I was mortified allowed him to look around offered him some mexican food and apologize over and over and over again.